We are pleased to let our clients share their perspectives and insights with you directly.

"When we have an important project to do, there are always plenty of firms standing around with shovels ready to dig for us. Then Defined Benefit Services shows up with a bulldozer and we know who we want to work with."

- Fortune 100 client, insurance industry, EVP of Human Resources

"Defined Benefit Services routinely provides employees with their favorite communication of the entire year. Our total rewards statements look terrific and are highly valued by our associates. We are continually impressed by Defined Benefit Service's accessibility and responsiveness. Because of our past success, the demand for new customized rewards communications grows each year and we will continue to rely on Defined Benefit Services to help us deliver. Defined Benefit Services is a great partner."

- Fortune 500 client, Chemicals Industry, Director of Compensation

"We do not get this kind of transparency and useful information with other firms."

- Fortune 100 client, Food and Drug Industry, Manager of Retirement and Savings Plans

"We have hundreds of significant relationships with vendors, providers, and consulting firms, and we enjoy working with Defined Benefit Services the best."

- A leading health care company, VP of Global Compensation and Executive Programs

"Thank goodness for Defined Benefit Services . . . we have saved millions of dollars."

- A leading company in global payment processing, VP of Compensation


Defined Benefit Services works with leading employers and other large organizations who value their investment in people and programs. We recognize that providing exceptional service leads to successful business relationships that stand the test of time.

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